Making content changes in your Rails apps is a nightmare. We make it a joy

Before Editmode: Your colleague requests a “simple” content change somewhere in your rails app. You diligently gather the details, feed it into a backlog and patiently wait for the code to be changed and deployed, several days later. And if you're lucky, it's right 🤞.

After Editmode: Anyone on your team with Editmode access can make simple content changes, either in your admin panel or directly inside the page, with no need to touch the codebase.

How Does It Work?


Integrate Editmode.

In as little as 5 minutes. See how


Invite Your Team.

Colleagues or clients who need to make edits


Make changes to your content right where it appears, inline.

Wait. Won't that make my app slower?
Nope! We take speed and performance very seriously. We handle the tricky stuff behind the scenes (caching) to make sure your users don't need to wait for any requests to our servers. And we don't add any blocking scripts to the page to prevent it from loading just like it before.
Ok, but won't this make it really easy for the less-technical people on my team to break my page?
Don't worry, we know you spent time making your app look good. We give your team or clients enough control to change what things say, not how they look. Then when you need it, we allow you to selectively increase access and control to people who are more trusted. If you need more control, our Approvals feature will let you sign off on changes before they go live.
What can I use it for?
Editmode works with plain text, rich text, images, and collections.
  • Plain text is used in places where the formatting won't change, like headlines or page titles.
  • Rich text is used for content that's intended to be actively read, like paragraphs and articles. You can make your text bold, italic, or underlined, and add links and lists to your content.
  • Use the image chunk when you want to make an image on your page easily replaceable.
  • Collections allow you to add structure to your content by defining named fields. This is super useful for repeatable content like testimonials, careers or team members.

How easy is it to get Editmode working in my codebase?
👇 Pretty easy, we think 😊


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Install the Gem

1 # Gemfile
2 gem 'editmode'
1 $ rails generate editmode:config YOUR-PROJECT-ID


Swap out your text for view helpers

1 <h1>
2 The All-In-One Toolkit for Working Remotely.
3 </h1>
1 <h1>
2 <%= chunk(‘home.hero.title’) %>
3 </h1>
That's it, you're done! Your content has escaped the shackles of your static codebase. Rejoice!

Don’t take our word for it

Here's what our customers have to say

Editmode lets our design, engineering & marketing teams work in parallel without getting in each other's way, and then find whatever content they need, when they need it. It's really levelled up our process.

Xavi Ablaza
Founder, Makisu

Changing product copy after it goes live has always been a huge pain. Editmode has made it a pleasure. I love it.

Brian Mckiernan
PM, Intercom

I’m loving Editmode for allowing non-technical users to make changes. It’s "i18n.t" on steroids.

Daniel Kehoe
Author, Learn Ruby on Rails

Teams that want results trust Editmode

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